Une alimentation de choix

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Bel-Ovine Range
The key to a simple and effective feeding program

For meat, wool production, and sometimes even milk quality, sheep are highly interesting animals for both the farmer and agricultural artisan, whether in herds or small numbers. They are easy to handle, require less space than larger ruminants, and their housing and living space requirements are quite accessible. Their size, affectionate and docile nature make them excellent family companions and allies for maintaining your lawn, as these avid grazers will happily feast on your grassy areas. Plus, they provide valuable manure for your vegetable garden.

Sheep are small ruminants with unique characteristics that inform our feeding principles. For example, they have the ability to digest round grains and possess a precise biological clock for regulating their salt intake.

Our experts offer a very straightforward feeding program for growing lambs, replacement ewe lambs, ewes, and rams: high-quality hay available ad libitum, along with an appropriate mineral supplement (copper-free) served free-choice. Depending on their physiological stage, the addition of rolled barley and a protein supplement or soybean meal will complement their ration effectively.​

In short, let Nature Bélisle into your sheepfold. It's simple, and your sheep will be well-fed! 

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